Thursday, April 30, 2009

VEDA is over at midnight...

...and that makes me sad. I liked VEDA, even though I ran out of good ideas fairly quickly. Haha, listening to "Emily will make a man out of you" and Rach just started singing. 'tis hilarious. I just finished recording at USF, and I have some shots to do at home, but those will be quick, so the video should be up before 5. BLARG!

Monday, April 20, 2009

New Poem

I wrote this today for my poetry class, but it's not going to work with the theme I was supposed to follow. Oh well. It still needs a title, maybe you have a suggestion for that? Let me know what you think!

She wanted to find
but I couldn't help her look.
I can still feel her lips pressing against mine,
kissing me good-bye.

I got letters,
of where she was and
where she was going,
searching for her elusive self.
I bit my tongue
as I wrote back to her
lost soul,
shaking my head as her words
came back more lost. I don't know

if she found herself in her travels,
she never said that she had, but
a call at two in the morning told me that
she was found

at the end of a velvet noose
in Paris. Thirty-five
thousand miles from home,
from me.

I’ll never know
her last words, feel
her soft hair in my fingers, hear her
sweet laughter echoing throughout our home,
now mine
