Wow, haven't posted on here in a while... Sorry. That's seems to be a constant theme with me, hopefully i can get myself back into the swing of blogging regularly. Another semester of school is upon me and I'm actually managing to stay afloat so far, which is good. I decided on a lighter course load so I could work more, and both school and work are keeping me pretty busy. I'm working at a campus bookstore, saving up for too many things, and praying the pieces will fall into place for me.
I had hoped to also return to a regular vlogging schedule, but the XP desktop that I had for 3 years finally crapped out, on me, and the only computer I can use is my family's laptop, which is slow and, for some ungodly reason, hates video files. I was (and still am) part of a collab channel on youtube called Stephandemmy ( with a group of my friends, but the stress of working around a difficult computer and not having a camera of my own nor the time to sit down at a library computer to bang out the weekly video meant I had to take a sabbatical from the channel, which is an immense bummer for me. I'm working on saving for a computer of my own, so I can return to the channel, but even that is turning into a chore of its own. My parents have decided that they're setting a date by which I need to get a car of my own. That's a huge, enormous, gigantic setback for me, because I only make so much money. That's more than likely gonna force my return to the channel back a pretty good amount, but hopefully the other vloggers will understand. This is not how I want it to be.
But not all I have to say is doom and gloom, the Potterwatch Project (, the band I'm part of, is now working on recording our first album, which is really exciting. I can't say too much, because a lot of things are still up in the air and because we also want to keep an air of mystery around the album until it's ready to release. I'll update you when and if I can, I promise.
Other than that, there's not a whole lot going on with me...I'm still doing a lot of reading and writing, except now most of it has a scholastic taint to it. I haven't had a lot of free time to write poetry or fiction of "my own," but that's just how it goes sometimes. I'm actually doing a lot of songwriting, that's where pretty much where all of my freewriting ends up going. (One quick note: That last poem I posted is actually the last poem I've completed, which would both me more if I didn't like it so much. i'm not trying to toot my own horn, but I still enjoy that poem...even though it's sad.)
Well, I figure that's enough for now, my future blogs will be less information-heavy and hopefully in a brighter spirit, so stay tuned! I've missed you guys :) —Z