Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Next month, I will be a published author! To explain this somewhat sudden turn of events, there needs to some exposition, so here we go:

There is a newly founded publisher called "Zombie Nation Publishing," and earlier this year, they released an anthology of Zombie-related fiction called "Zombie St. Pete," and one of the cool things about the anthology was that the setting of the stories compiled is none other than right here in my wonderful hometown of St. Petersburg, Florida! The first release was a huge success, and so in September, a second book is going to be released, with new fiction and poetry. 

One of the staff members of Zombie Nation Publishing was a classmate of my friend and occasional writing partner Stephanie Smith, and he contacted her, hoping that she could help him find a local poet who would be willing to contribute poetry to the anthology. That poet is me! I wrote, revised, proofed, re-revised, re-proofed and re-re-revised a pair of poems for the anthology, and if all goes to plan, I will be published next month!

As a little sneak preview of the anthology, I figured I would enclose a short snippet of one of the poems, just you whet your appetite.  Enjoy!

An excerpt from "Thoughts upon the Beach"
Sway on, palm tree leaves, no
different now, the beach.
No longer haunt
for breathing souls,
moan's drown the seagull's screech
