Monday, October 26, 2009

I suck at blogging...

...but if I said that every time several weeks passed between my blog posts, all of my blogs would be titled "I suck at blogging..." Which is true, yes, but not particularly creative or witty.

"And now for something completely different."

I'm still working on my story idea for NaNoWriMo, which scares me just the teensiest bit because it begins on Sunday, and if I still haven't decided what I'm doing by then, it's gonna end up looking like a major hot mess come December.  This is what I know so far...

It's not a ghost story. (or Ghostbusters story, for that matter.)

2. It involves dystopian America. Yes, I know, that's the 'it' thing nowadays (or it might not be, I dunno.  Are people still obsessed over vampires? I hope not...), but I really like the idea of deserted city-ruins and wastelands.

3. It involves bad guys called the "Truthless Heroes," which is a name I stole from an album by Project 86, pixx0r'd here:

 (Said Truthless Heroes are neither superheroes nor bodies with monitors for heads.  But they ARE evil.  And truthless.)

4. One of the main characters is named Six.  Whether that's his actual name or a nickname I haven't decided on yet. Probably the logical former.

5. There are going to be two minor characters named Lora and Emma who are making a documentary during the events of the story.  In all likelihood, they will be nothing like my friends Lauren and Emily, but you never know...

6. There's going to be a lot of misdirection and chaos. But that's just how I write :)

I'll give you guys more updates on the story as I figure them out, and I might post excerpts if I have time.

Take care!
