"And now for something completely different."
I'm still working on my story idea for NaNoWriMo, which scares me just the teensiest bit because it begins on Sunday, and if I still haven't decided what I'm doing by then, it's gonna end up looking like a major hot mess come December. This is what I know so far...
It's not a ghost story. (or Ghostbusters story, for that matter.)
2. It involves dystopian America. Yes, I know, that's the 'it' thing nowadays (or it might not be, I dunno. Are people still obsessed over vampires? I hope not...), but I really like the idea of deserted city-ruins and wastelands.
3. It involves bad guys called the "Truthless Heroes," which is a name I stole from an album by Project 86, pixx0r'd here:
4. One of the main characters is named Six. Whether that's his actual name or a nickname I haven't decided on yet. Probably the logical former.
5. There are going to be two minor characters named Lora and Emma who are making a documentary during the events of the story. In all likelihood, they will be nothing like my friends Lauren and Emily, but you never know...
6. There's going to be a lot of misdirection and chaos. But that's just how I write :)
I'll give you guys more updates on the story as I figure them out, and I might post excerpts if I have time.
Take care!
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