Tuesday, October 14, 2008


These last few weeks are what I am now calling my "Panic Weeks".

Two weeks ago, my British Theatre* class began actually looking at our end of semester projects/presentation, and they look like doozies. That class has been the most laid-back of my courses this semester, and a lot of the time, one of the more enjoyable. We get to read and watch plays and interact and act and so on, and my dear friend Steph is in that class with me. However, me sitting down and realizing I have an oral report and a scene study/ promptbook to turn in at the end of the semester is rather daunting to me.

Last week, I received an assignment I have to complete by Saturday night. Two 750-1000 word essays for Early Shakespeare, with restricted essay options. Not cool.

This week continues the insanity of those weeks, as well as my putting together of my 15th script for Breakout, which I finished last Monday and presented to the players. As always, everyone said that they liked it, but then began to make jokes on how they would hate it next week and how it really isn't all that great. In the moment, those jokes are fine with me, but afterward, I get that wondering of, "Did they really mean that?" which I hate having. The one thing they do that straight-up hurts is when they say, "Oh, this sure was better than the last one." Honestly, it is, but that's not your place to say that it is. I put a lot of work into these scripts, and then I get bashed on them later. It's annoying, but I knew it was gonna happen when I started. I just have to tell myself that humorous or no, clever or no, it's for the glory of God that I do these things, not for the praise of men.

Now i'll get to what I meant by "Anti-drug." I have always had the same Anti-drugs, or more like anti-lose-my-minds in reality, and right now they're getting a lot of use.

First: God. I dunno what I would do without Him. In the last week, my devotions have been sparse, but even still, I have pressed into worship on my way to school listening to God-honoring music and Thanks to my script-writing, I've got some choice Scriptures running through my brain.

No. Too/Two/To?: Music. As always, I'm sifting through the melting pot of nearly every and any genre of music, trying to find something I like. This week, It's been The Everybodyfields, Jaymay(Thanks Cris!), The Fiery Furnaces, and The Hush Sound(Thanks Em!). On the lighter side, I know, but it's all good.

3: Writing. I need to write. Dogs bark, politicians lie, I write. It's in my blood. My blood is ink and the words I write are my lifeblood. So I continue to chip away at a fantasy masterpiece that needs more time than I can give right now. I have written some poetry, but it's stupid.

Fore/For?: Reading. I can't write if I'm not reading. The two coexist and compliment each other. Right now it's the series The Song of Fire and Ice by George RR Martin and the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan. When I have time and can find a copy(maybe you could lend me yours?), I'll be continuing the Twilight series by Stephanie Meyer with book numbah dos "New Moon"

Without those things, I could not survive.

What keeps you alive?


*-It's British, so the word is spelled Theatre.

PS: My friends are Number V, but I need to get to work on school. Maybe I'll write that in later...


Ryan said...

who's your prof for "Early Shakespeare"? That was one of my favorite classes in undergrad. Do you guys get to read Titus?

BTW, I always loved your scripts.

Zachary said...

My Professor for Early Shakespeare is Dr. Lisa Starks-Estes. it's not horrible, but it can be tedious at times. Yeah, we did read Titus Andronicus. Weird...

Thanks Ry, I'm glad you liked them :)