Thursday, October 2, 2008

Life is weird...

Today, following my Marketing class, I spent about a good hour in Starbucks, curled up in an armchair and listening to Steve Vai. Now that it's "Fall", Starbucks has started offering Pumpkin Spice Lattes and Fraps again. I would just like to say, if any Starbucks Execs are reading this, that the Pumpkin Spice Frap and Latte are the greatest things ever. Ever.
And to top that off, after I had finished my AMAZING latte, (Yes, I got a Latte. On a warm day. Why? Because I felt cold. I'm fighting a cold, so I was chilly.) one of the baristas saw that my cup was empty, came over, asked me what I had gotten, then made me another! For Free! I think I might write her a song. "My Starbucks Angel"... Hmm...
After that, I caught my bus and headed home. On the way, we passed a church that had the craziest name of all time. it was called the "Queen St. God Church in Jesus Christ." No joke. That has got to be the weirdest church name I've ever seen or heard.
But that wasn't the only crazy thing I saw. See below: This was one of the ads in the bus. Aside from the fact it's absolutely pointless (If you're in the bus, you can't be hit by the bus.), it's got to be the awesomest example of Pun/Morbid Humor I've ever seen as an ad. Imagine The Impact, indeed. Hasta!


Luke W. said...

Good post bro! I look forward to reading more!